Zipped News is an AI-powered news aggregator with a mission to enable readers to instantly gain knowledge across topics, languages, and cultures with just a glance. By condensing lengthy articles into brief, easy-to-understand summaries, Zipped News makes news reading ultra-efficient and delightful, transforming the way you consume information in the AI era. 
Our cutting-edge, proprietary AI technology gathers, analyzes, and summarizes news from thousands of trusted sources across 15+ countries (and growing).

Developed in-house by our talented team of AI experts, our algorithms deliver personalized, digestible content right to your fingertips.

By leveraging our own advanced AI systems, we ensure a unique and tailored news reading experience for every user.
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We invite you to participate with us in cultivating a healthy Zipped News community. Before you jump in, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our Community Standards. In case you see content that violates these Community Standards, you can report them to us by selecting the “Report Harmful Content” option, and Zipped News Support Team will review them.

To report an article:
  1. 1. While viewing an article, tap the news article menu.
  2. 2. Select Report harmful content.
  3. 3. Choose a reason for reporting the article.

This will remove the content from your news feed and the content will get flagged to us for review. This is the best and fastest way to alert us.
Whether you’d like to recommend a news source, suggest an improvement, report a bug, or have a few questions about Zipped News, we’d be happy to receive it at our contact channels: Contact Us.

Developers regularly review feedback to improve the app experience. We thank you in advance for your suggestions!